Privacy Policy

We value your privacy and pay special attention to the security of personal data. For these reasons, this Privacy Policy in a transparent and easily understandable way want to inform you about the collection, use, nature, and scope of processing of your personal data, as well as the ways in which you can exercise your right to privacy.

As the legal basis governing data protection and the conditions for the processing of your data, we apply the Law on Personal Data Protection (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 87/2018), hereinafter “the Law“).





Meter&Control d.o.o., with its headquarters in the street Tršćanska 21, 11080 Belgrade (hereinafter: „Meter&Control” or „We”).

This Privacy Policy applies to:

  • all persons who access our site at („website”),
  • persons who send us an inquiry via the website,
  • persons with whom we have or will potentially have trade in goods and services (“clients“)
  • persons applying for a job with us („candidates”),
  • persons who sign up for our newsletter

For all questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at





2.1. Personal data we collect from You

Depending on how you use our website, the data we may collect about you may be as follows:

a) Personal data that you voluntarily share with us

  • data you choose to share with us, in your inquiry on our contact form or otherwise
  • data you choose to share with us by subscribing to our Newsletter
  • data you choose to share with us during the job application process at Meter&Control d.o.o.

If you contact us directly through the contact page or send an inquiry to or any other e-mail available on the website or share data with us during a telephone conversation or through social networks, we may receive data about your name, email address, home or business address, your title or employer name, the content of messages or attachments you provide to us or any other data you choose to share with us.

If you contact us via the Career page during the job application process, we will ask you to send your CV and cover letter. When applying for a job with us, we can ask you questions about your professional life that may be significant for your future position. Meter&Control uses your personal data to match your skills, experience, and education with the specific positions we offer. This data is passed on to the persons within Meter&Control who decide on the employment process or to the persons involved in the employment process, who then make the decision to invite you for an interview. Meter&Control will collect additional data from you if invited to an interview (or equivalent), as well as in subsequent stages of the process.

When you sign up for our newsletter, you need to share your email address with us. You may choose to share other personal data with us, such as your name or the organization you work for, but this is not necessary.

b) Personal data that we collect automatically

When you visit our website, Meter & Control may automatically collect certain personal data from your device.

Specifically, the data we collect may automatically include data such as IP address, device type, unique device identification number, browser type and broader geographic location (e.g., state or city level location). We may also collect data about how your device behaves on our website, including the pages you have accessed and the links you have clicked on.

Gathering this data allows us to better understand the visitors who come to our Site, where they come from and what content on our Site interests them.


2.2. Personal data we collect about you from third parties

Sometimes, we may receive your Personal data without you giving us such data directly. If you are a Candidate for employment in Meter & Control, we can get data about you:

  • from employment agencies – (eg when the employment agency contacts us to identify you as a potential candidate)
  • through publicly available online resources – (eg from your current employer’s website or from professional social networks such as LinkedIn) and
  • by written or oral recommendation – for example, by a recommendation from a former employee / employer or from a person you have referred to as a reference person.






  • In order to respond to your inquiries sent on the Contact page or sent to email or other email available on the website
    In order to provide answers regarding your other requests that you send us
  • In order to provide and improve our services

Processing is necessary for the implementation of contracts concluded for the supply of goods and services or for the conclusion of such a contract with you

  • In order to match your skills, experience and education, during the candidate selection process, with the specific roles we offer
Processing is in our legitimate interest, given that data processing is necessary and has minimal impact on the applicant’s privacy.

  • To keep you informed about business and other news in Meter&Control



Your consent or our legitimate interest.

Namely, if you have logged in to our website, we will notify you by email until you withdraw your consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of prior data collection. You can unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time, using the “unsubscribe” option in the email.


If you are an employee, representative or shareholder of our client, and have previously had contact with us, we may send you our Newsletter based on our legitimate interest. We would like to inform you that we have performed an assessment of interest and come to the conclusion that data processing is necessary in this case and has a minimal impact on your privacy.

If you would like to learn more about ways to determine the existence of a legitimate interest, please contact us at





Meter & Control is dedicated to protecting and respecting your personal data. We do not share your personal data with third parties unless:

  • we have your consent to do so,,
  • we are obliged by law to share certain data, which includes your personal data, with e.g. public authorities; in that case, we are not obliged to ask for your additional consent to share your personal data

In addition, Meter & Control hires external data processors to take certain data processing actions.

Meter & Control has established very strict procedures and measures aimed at detailed analysis, assessment, and verification of all processors before establishing a business relationship with them. In that sense, we collect documentation, certificates, and references of the processor in order to be sure that the processor will carry out the task for which he was hired in an adequate, appropriate and efficient way.





We use appropriate administrative, technical, organizational, and other measures to ensure an appropriate level of protection of your personal data that we collect and process. When assessing whether the applied measures are adequate and whether the level of protection is adequate, we take into account the nature of the personal data we collect and the nature of the processing we perform, risks when processing personal data, costs of implementing protective measures and other relevant circumstances.

Some security measures we apply include access control, classification of data (and handling them), protection of integrity and confidentiality, data backup, firewall technology, data encryption and other appropriate measures. Our team members are trained and possess the appropriate knowledge and understand the importance of confidentiality protecting your personal data.

Below are the processors with whom we share data about you:

The Rocket Science Group, LLC (MailChimp) Email (marketing) services based on Cloud technology


Google, Inc. Analytical services USA
Meta, Inc. Analytical and marketing services USA
LinkedIn, Inc. Analytical and marketing services USA





Your personal data may be transferred outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia. In that case, we will only transfer your data:

  • To countries that have provided an adequate level of personal data protection in accordance with the RS Law on Personal Data Protection (for example, countries of the European Economic Area).
  • To countries that do not meet the conditions under point 1, but only with the adoption of appropriate protective measures in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.

For example, if we transfer personal data to a recipient in the United States (which is very likely, given the provisions of the previous Section), we will ensure in advance that the recipient is subject to the EU/US Privacy Shield legal framework, or that the recipient is a signatory to the Data Protection Agreement in accordance with the applicable standard contractual clauses on personal data protection.





We do not keep your personal data longer than the time necessary to realize the purpose for which they were collected, or no longer than the time for which we have your consent.

For example, if you unsubscribe from our Newsletter, your data will be automatically deleted.

If you have submitted a job application via our Careers page together with a cover letter or CV, we will delete your personal data within 3 months of receiving your application, unless you become a member of our team.





As the person whose personal data we collect, you have the following rights:

  • the right to be informed about the collection and processing of your personal data,
  • the right to access the data we have collected about you,
  • the right to correct personal data, in case of incompleteness or inaccuracy,
  • the right to forget, ie. the right to request that the personal data we hold about you be deleted,
  • the right to revoke the consent for the processing of personal data, when the consent is the basis for the processing,
  • the right to oppose the processing of personal data,
  • the right to object to the processing of your data for a specific purpose,
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the Commissioner for Data of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, if you do not receive a reply or are not satisfied with the reply within 30 days of your request to exercise your right.

To exercise these rights, please contact us at:





The website uses cookies to distinguish you from other website users. They help us to provide you with an optimal user experience when browsing the website, as well as to improve it.

Meter&Control d.o.o. independently manages servers owned by Meter&Control d.o.o.

A cookie is a small file with letters and numbers that we save on your browser and your computer’s hard drive. Cookies contain information that is transferred to the hard drive of your computer.

Performance cookies are cookies that collect information in order to improve our website:


_cfduid, _biz_ flagsA, _biz nA, _biz_pendingA, _biz _uid, _hp2 id., _hp2_props.,

sparrow id, sparrow init

Cloudflare – Protection from malicious users and increased server and website security
_fbp, act, c_user, datr, fr,

presence, m_pixel_ratio, sb,

spin, wd, xS

Meta –, Marketing purposes, in order to improve marketing campaigns on social networks
_ga, gat, _gcl au, gid Google – Collection and analysis of website traffic data for marketing purposes, in order to improve campaigns on the Google Ads platform
EU_COOKIE_LAW_CONSENT Meter&Control d.o.o. – Informing users about the privacy policy and the use of cookies on the website


You can find more information about data protection in connection with Google Analytics on the website Google Analytics. You can prevent the collection and processing of data (including your IP address) by Google Analytics by installing a plug-in for your browser “Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on“.

The information collected through cookies is processed and stored on servers operated by Google and located in the USA. Your IP address will not be associated with other Google data. Collected information may be transferred to third parties in the event of a legal obligation or if a third party processes this data by order.

You have the option to accept or reject cookies by changing the settings in your browser. However, you may not be able to use all the interactive features of our website if you disable cookies.

There are several ways to manage cookies. See your browser’s instructions or help screen to learn more about these features. If you use different computers in different locations, you need to adjust each browser according to your cookie needs.

Some modern browsers have the function to analyze the privacy policies of websites and allow the user to manage their privacy needs. This is known as the ‘P3P’ feature (Privacy Preferences Platform).

You can easily delete any cookie located in the cookie directory of your browser.





We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy from time to time, to monitor changes in legislation and technical innovations. All changes take effect at the time of publication on the website. We suggest that you periodically review our Privacy Policy.

We will ask for your consent for all material changes to this Privacy Policy if and where required by applicable data protection laws.

If you do not agree with our Privacy Policy, please stop using the website immediately and unsubscribe from our Newsletter.





In case you want to use any of your rights as a person whose personal data we collect, or in case of any other issues related to our Privacy Policy, please contact us at: